I am a professor of economics at Tel Aviv University and University College London, specializing in economic theory.
My recent research interests include: decision making under flawed causal reasoning, the role of narratives in politics and economics, markets with boundedly rational consumers, and incentive issues arising from interactions with platforms and algorithms.
New Book
New Working Papers
News Media as Suppliers of Narratives (and Information) (Joint with Kfir Eliaz)
Monopolistic Data Dumping (Joint with Kfir Eliaz)
Identifying Assumptions and Research Dynamics (Joint with Andrew Ellis)
Competitive Markets with Imperfectly Discerning Consumers (Joint with Yair Antler)
A Representative-Sampling Model of Stochastic Choice (Joint with Tuval Danenberg)
Selected Recent Publications
False Narratives and Political Mobilization (JEEA, forthcoming) (Joint with Kfir Eliaz and Simone Galperti)
Capability Building in Sluggish Organizations (Management Science, 2023) (Joint with Kfir Eliaz)
Fitness video (for an earlier version having a different title)
Modeling Players with Random “Data Access” (JET, 2021)
Cheating with Models (AERI, 2021) (Joint with Kfir Eliaz and Yair Weiss)
Strategic Interpretations (JET, 2021) (Joint with Kfir Eliaz and Heidi Thysen)
A Model of Competing Narratives (AER, 2020) (Joint with Kfir Eliaz)
Incentive-Compatible Advertising on Non-Retail Platforms (RJE, 2020) (Joint with Kfir Eliaz)
Paper Trailer (for an earlier version having a different title)
Behavioral Implications of Causal Misperceptions (Annual Review of Economics, 2020)
The Model Selection Curse (AERI, 2019) (Joint with Kfir Eliaz)
Bayesian Networks and Boundedly Rational Expectation (QJE, 2016)
Search Design and Broad Matching (AER, 2016) (Joint with Kfir Eliaz)