Ph.D. in Economics (with distinction), Tel-Aviv University
M.A. in Economics (Summa cum Laude), Tel-Aviv University
B.A. in Economics and Accounting (Magna cum Laude), Tel-Aviv University
Academic Positions Held
2014 -
Aaron Rubinstein Professor of Economics, Tel Aviv University
2009 -
Professor, Tel Aviv University
2006 -
Professor, University College London
2006 - 2009
Associate Professor, Tel Aviv University
2004 - 2006
Senior lecturer, School of Economics, Tel Aviv University
2001 - 2004
Lecturer, School of Economics, Tel Aviv University
2000 - 2001
Member, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
1999 - 2000
Prize Research Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford
Visiting Positions
London School of Economics, visiting lecturer, Fall 2003
BRIQ institute, visiting researcher, Fall 2017
BRIQ institute, visiting professor, 2019 - 2023
Bounded Rationality and Industrial Organization (2011), Oxford University Press.
The Curious Culture of Economic Theory (2024), MIT Press.
“Extracting Interaction-Created Surplus” (2000), Games and Economic Behavior 30 (1), 142-162.
“Inferring a Linear Ordering over a Power Set” (2001), Theory and Decision 51 (1), 31-49.
“Equilibrium in Justifiable Strategies: A Model of Reason-based Choice in Extensive-Form Games” (2002), Review of Economic Studies 69 (3), 691-706.
“Rationalizing Choice Functions by Multiple Rationales” (2002), joint with Gil Kalai and Ariel Rubinstein, Econometrica 70 (6), 2481-2488.
“Simplicity of Beliefs and Delay Tactics in a Concession Game” (2004), Games and Economic Behavior 47 (1), 200-220.
“Testing Threats in Repeated Games” (2005), Journal of Economic Theory 121 (2), 214-235.
“Argumentation in Multi-Issue Debates” (2006), Social Choice and Welfare 26 (2), 385-402.
“Can Anticipatory Feelings Explain Anomalous Attitudes to Information?” (2006), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Games and Economic Behavior 56, 87-104.
“Competition over Agents with Boundedly Rational expectations” (2006), Theoretical Economics 1 (2), 207-231.
“Contracting with Diversely Naïve Agents” (2006), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Review of Economic Studies 73 (3), 689-714.
“The Market for Quacks” (2006), Review of Economic Studies 73 (4), 1113-1131.
“A Mechanism Design Approach to Speculative Trade” (2007), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Econometrica 75 (3), 875-884.
“Money Pumps in the Market” (2008), joint with Ariel Rubinstein, Journal of the European Economic Association 6 (1), 237-253.
“Contradiction as a Form of Contractual Incompleteness” (2008), joint with Dana Heller, Economic Journal 118, 875-888.
“Optimal Speculative Trade among Large Traders” (2008), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Review of Economic Design 12, 45-74.
“Comments on the Potential Significance of Neuroeconomics for Economic Theory” (2008), Economics and Philosophy 24, 515-521.
“Consumer Optimism and Price Discrimination” (2008), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Theoretical Economics 3, 459-497.
“On Two Points of View regarding Revealed Preferences and Behavioral Economics” (2008), pp. 95-115 in Perspectives on the Future of Economics: Positive and Normative Foundations. Handbook of Economic Methodology, Vol. 1, ed. A. Caplin and A. Schotter, Oxford University Press.
“Bargaining over Bets” (2009), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Games and Economic Behavior 66, 78-97.
“Consideration Sets and Competitive Marketing” (2011), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Review of Economic Studies 78, 235-262.
“On the Strategic Use of Attention Grabbers” (2011), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Theoretical Economics 6, 127-155.
“"But can't we Get the Same Thing with a Standard Model?" Rationalizing Bounded-Rationality Models” (2011), Economics and Philosophy 27, 23-43.
“A Simple Model of Search Engine Pricing” (2011), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Economic Journal 121, 329-339.
“Discussion of ‘Behavioral’ Decision Theory” (2011), forthcoming in Advances in Economic Theory (2010 World Congress of the Econometric Society).
“Monopoly Pricing when Consumers are Antagonized by Unexpected Price Increases: A "Cover Version" of the Heidhues-Koszegi-Rabin Model” (2012), Economic Theory 51, 695-711.
“Consumer Bounded Rationality and Rigidity/Flexibility Retail Price Patterns” (2012), Economics Letters 116, 335-338.
“Price Competition under Limited Comparability” (2012), joint with Michele Piccione, Quarterly Journal of Economics 127, 97-135.
“Placebo Reforms” (2013), American Economic Review 103, 1490-1506.
“Reference Dependence and Labor-Market Fluctuations” (2013), joint with Kfir Eliaz, NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2013, Vol. 28, 159-200.
“Competitive Framing” (2014), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 6, 35-58.
“Manipulating Market Sentiment” (2014), joint with Michele Piccione, Economics Letters 122, 370-373.
“X-Games” (2015), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Games and Economic Behavior 89, 93-100.
“Agility in Repeated Games: An Example” (2015), Economics Letters 131, 47-49.
“Beyond Ellison's Matrix: New Directions in Behavioral Industrial Organization” (2015), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Review of Industrial Organization 47, 259-272.
“On the Equilibrium Effects of Nudging” (2015), Journal of Legal Studies 44, 389-416.
“Search Design and Broad Matching” (2016), joint with Kfir Eliaz, American Economic Review 106, 563-586.
“Bayesian Networks and Boundedly Rational Expectations” (2016), Quarterly Journal of Economics 131, 1243-1290.
"Choice Complexity and Market Competition" (2016), Annual Review of Economics 8, 1-25.
“Data Monkeys: A Procedural Model of Extrapolation from Partial Statistics” (2017), Review of Economic Studies 84, 1818-1841.
“Buridanic Competition” (2018), joint with Beniamin Bachi, Games and Economic Behavior 107, 298-315.
“Managing Intrinsic Motivation in a Long-Run Relationship” (2018), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Economics Letters 165, 6-9.
“Behavioral Economics and the Atheoretical Style” (2019), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 11, 173-194.
“The Model Selection Curse” (2019), joint with Kfir Eliaz, American Economic Review: Insights 1, 127-140.
“Behavioral Implications of Causal Misperceptions” (2020), Annual Review of Economics 12, 81-106.
“Incentive-Compatible Advertising on Non-Retail Platforms” (2020), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Rand Journal of Economics 51, 323-345.
“Can Agents with Causal Misperceptions be Systematically Fooled?” (2020), Journal of the European Economic Association 18, 583-617.
“A Simple Model of a Money-Management Market with Rational and Extrapolative Investors” (2020), European Economic Review 127, article 103488.
“A Model of Competing Narratives” (2020), joint with Kfir Eliaz, American Economic Review 110, 3786-3816.
“Strategic Interpretations” (2021), joint with Kfir Eliaz and Heidi Thysen, Journal of Economic Theory 192, article 105192.
“Persuasion with Endogenous Misspecified Beliefs” (2021), joint with Kfir Eliaz and Heidi Thysen, European Economic Review 134, article 103712.
“Cheating with Models” (2021), joint with Kfir Eliaz and Yair Weiss, American Economic Review: Insights 3, 417-434.
“Modeling Players with Random "Data Access"” (2021), Journal of Economy Theory 198, article 105374.
“On Incentive-Compatible Estimators” (2022), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Games and Economic Behavior 132, 204-220.
“On the Behavioral Consequences of Reverse Causality” (2022), European Economic Review 149, article 104258.
“Capability Building in Sluggish Organizations” (2023), joint with Kfir Eliaz, Management Science 69.3, 1703-1713
“False Narratives and Political Mobilization” (2024), joint with Kfir Eliaz and Simone Galperti, Journal of European Ecconomic Association, forthcoming.
Working Papers
"A Representative-Sampling Model of Stochastic Choice" (2023), joint with Tuval Danenberg.
- "Behavioral Causal Inference" (2023)
"Identifying Assumptions and Research Dynamics" (2024), joint with Andrew Ellis
"News Media as Suppliers of Narratives (and Information)" (2024), joint with Kfir Eliaz
"Competitive Markets with Partially Discerning Consumers" (2024), joint with Yair Antler
Grants, Honors and Fellowships
Kadar award
UKRI Horizon Europe Guarantee Grant EP/Y033361/1, “Strategic Interactions with Machine-Learning Algorithms: The Role of Simple Beliefs”
Leverhulme Trust research grant RPG-2023-120, “Modeling the Role of Narratives in Economics”
Elected fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory
Elected member of the council of the Game Theory Society
2021 - 2025
ISF Grant No. 320/21, "Behavioral Causal Inference"
Yrjo Jahnsson Award
2016 - 2021
ERC Advanced Investigator Grant No. 692995, "Bayesian Networks and Non-Rational Expectations"
Elected fellow of the Econometric Society
Michael Bruno Award
2013 - 2015
ISF Grant No. 1153/13, "Theoretical Aspects of E-Commerce: (1) Networks of search platforms, and (2) Identification of boundedly rational choice models using online search data" (joint with Kfir Eliaz)
2013 - 2014
ESRC Grant ES/L003031/1, "Games between Diversely Sophisticated Players"
2008 - 2014
ERC Advanced Investigator Grant No. 230251, "Bounded Rationality in Industrial Organization"
2006 - 2008
NSF Grant SES 0611938, "Mechanism Design with Diversity of Opinion"
(joint with Kfir Eliaz, NYU)
2005 - 2007
ISF Grant No. 87/05, "Markets and Boundedly Rational Expectations"
2004 - 2005
Member in the forum for young faculty in the social sciences and the humanities, the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2003 - 2006
BSF Grant No. 2002298, "Incentive Theory under Dynamically Inconsistent Preferences; and Utility from Beliefs" (joint with Kfir Eliaz, NYU)
2001 - 2004
Alon Fellowship
Rothschild Fellowship
Selected Invited Lectures
Atkinson lecture, University of Essex
Summer School of the Econometric Society, Tokyo
Summer School in Economic Theory, Hebrew University
Invited lecture, Econometric Society European Meeting, Barcelona
Winter School of the Econometric Society, Delhi
Summer School of the Econometric Society, Singapore
Invited lecture, Econometric Society European Winter Meeting, Barcelona
Invited session, Econometric Society European Meeting, Lisbon
Keynote speaker, CESifo behavioral economics conference
Invited Session, EARIE conference, Lisbon
Invited Session, Econometric Society North American Meeting, Philadelphia
Keynote speaker, ADRES doctoral conference, Paris
Summer School of the Econometric Society, Seoul
Invited session, Game Theory Society World Congress, Istanbul
Invited Session, Econometric Society European Meeting, Malaga
Professional Service
Member of Econometric Society European Standing Committee (2024-2027)
Theoretical Economics (2017-2021), Editor
Theoretical Economics (2015-2017), Co-Editor
Theoretical Economics (2006-2015, 2021 - ), Associate Editor
Journal of Economic Theory (2013-2015), Associate Editor
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (2012-2015), Associate Editor
Journal of the European Economic Association (2009-2010), Associate Editor
Review of Economic Studies (2003-2010), Associate Editor
Non-Academic Experience
1993 - 1998
Israeli Defence Forces, economic analyst